SPE Column
Finisterre PH SPE Columns
- Retention Mechanism: Reverse phase.
- Functional Group: Phenyl (PH)
- Endcapped: yes
- Higher Carbon Load: 3.8 %
- Slica Base: Irregular Shape Average
- Particle Size: 50 μm
- Pore Diameter: 60
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polyethylene 20 μm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN
Finisterre CN SPE Columns
- Retention Mechanism: Normal phase -weak/moderate, non-polar with aqueous matrix, or polar with non polar organic matrix
- Functional Group: Cyanopropyl (CN)
- Endcapped: yes
- Higher Carbon Load: 4.0 %
- Sílica Base: Irregular Shape Average
- Particle Size: 50 µm Pore
- Diameter: 60 Å
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polypropylene 20 µm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN
Finisterre NH2 SPE Columns
NH2 SPE 컬럼
- Retention Mechanism: Weak anion exchange with aqueous matrix normal phase with non-polar organic matrix.
- Functional Group: Aminopropyl (NH2 )
- ndcapped: no
- Higher Carbon Load: 5.0 %
- Sílica Base: Irregular Shape Average
- Particle Size: 50 µm
- Pore Diameter: 60 Å
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polypropylene 20 µm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN
Finisterre Diol SPE Columns
Diol SPE 컬럼
- Retention Mechanism: Normal phase
- Functional Group: DIOL (2OH)
- Endcapped: no
- Higher Carbon Load: 6.0 %
- Sílica Base: Irregular Shape
- Average Particle Size 50 µm
- Pore Diameter: 60 Å
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polypropylene 20 µm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN
Finisterre FLO SPE Columns
- Retention Mechanism: Normal phase
- Functional Group: Florisil® (FLO)
- Base: Magnesium Silicate Average
- Particle Size: 75-100 µm
- Pore Diameter: 85 Å
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polypropylene 20 µm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN
Finisterre Si SPE Columns
Si SPE 컬럼
- Retention Mechanism: Normal phase, polar neutral phase
- Functional Group: Silica (Si)
- Base: Silica
- Average Particle Size : 50 µm
- Pore Diameter: 60 Å
- Hardware: Polypropylene
- Frit: Polypropylene 20 µm porosity
- Maker : Teknokroma/SPAIN