- 다른 크기의 tubing을 연결해주는 adapter
- T116-A360: used to attach 360um OD capillary to a component with a T116 female port.
- T116-A132: used to attach 1/32" OD tubing to a component with a T116 female port.
- T132-A360: used to attach 360um OD capillary to a component with a T132 female port.
- C360-A116: used to attach 1/16" OD tubing to a component with a C360 or T132 female port.
- C360-A132: used to attach 1/32" OD tubing to a component with a C360 female port.
Standard Breadboard
Interconnect Elbow
32082154_CLv4X9yx_1b99c6dbb6b5ffe8d9e3136f223a80ddca4d7d7a.JPGInterconnect Y
32082154_jBalYtN5_58c8d29a15fab09d036c4dd271c8b467d4f603af.pngSPS01 Syringe Pump