TLC Plate
Nano-SIL TLC Plates
TLC Plates
Consumable > Chromatography > TLC Plate
- 제품설명
- 나노 silica 60Å
- Specific surface (BET) ~ 500 m2/g
- 표준 입자 크기 2-10 μm
- Indicator: manganese activated zinc silicate with green fluorescence for short-wave UV (254 nm)
- Binder: 유기용매에 안정적인 highly polymeric product
- Silica Gel layer 종류 : SIL G, ADAMANT, SIL HD
- Maker : MN/Germany
- 연락처
경기본사 : 031-790-1907 (내선1)
대전지사 : 042-824-5167
- 나노 Silica 60Å
- Specific Surface (BET) ~ 500 m2/g
- 표준 입자 크기 2-10 μm
- Indicator: manganese activated zinc silicate with green fluorescence for short-wave UV (254 nm)
- Binder: 유기용매에 안정적인 highly polymeric product
![2019-05-27 17;35;02](/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-27-173502.jpg)